Saturday, 11 February 2012



Never store tomatoes in the cold

At four degrees or less they lose all taste.

The essence dies. The flavour can't unfold.


Tomatoes from the freezer can't be sold.

Though you may safely chill tomato paste,

Never put tomatoes in the cold.


Lest enzymes wither, wrinkle, fade, grow old,

The fridge is not where this fruit should be placed.

The flavour dies. The essence can't unfold.


The skin stays whole and won't develop mould

But something of its spirit goes to waste.

Never leave your lover in the cold.


Love dies if chilled and has to be cajoled.

When she can't feel your arms around her waist.

The essence disappears and can't unfold.


Conjure up Verona where you strolled.

Feel the sparks of fire her fingers traced.

Never leave tomatoes in the cold.

The essence dies. The flavour can't unfold.




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